Boost Mental Health with Daily Steps

Boost Mental Health with Daily Steps
Boost Mental Health with Daily Steps

United States: New global data people suggest that raising the number of daily steps, by as much as 2500 a day, paid a positive dividend and reduced levels of depression. As this review of 33 studies of more than 96,000 adults on five continents points out, walking is a potent weapon against depression.

How Many Steps Make a Difference?

Using 5,000 daily steps as a baseline, the findings show:

  • 6,000 steps/day: Linked to a 9% lower risk of depression.
  • 7,000 steps/day: Associated with a 31% decrease in depression odds.
  • 7,500+ steps/day: Correlated with a 43% lower prevalence of depression.

However, the benefits appear to plateau around 10,000 steps/day, with no significant additional reduction in depressive symptoms beyond that point, as reported by HealthDay.

Walking: A Natural Antidepressant

Estela Jimenez-Lopez, a researcher from the University of Castile-La Mancha, insisted that walking is a ‘‘primary’’ antidepressant that should be included as part of everyday practice. Peculiarly, most kinds of workouts—yoga, weightlifting, Tai Chi, and others—are understood to help the psychological well-being of an individual; however, walking can be effective and safe for all genders and ages.

Why Walking Works

Increased physical activity, enhanced blood circulation and production of antidepressant endorphins help decrease depressive symptoms, and come with the added benefit of walking. PA level obtained from the Fitbit devices utilized in the studies helped determine the relationship between steps and mental health.

A Layman Plan on Depression Control

The study authors agree to the opinion suggesting that coming up with daily steps goals could be a useful public health approach in managing depression rates. Whether you strive for 6000 steps, or try to reach 10000, increasing the amount of walking throughout the day could potentially prove to have positive effects on ones mental health in the future, as reported by HealthDay.