Groundbreaking Research Offers New Hope for Hair Regrowth in Alopecia Areata Patient

New Way of Treatment for Alopecia Areata
New Way of Treatment for Alopecia Areata. Credit | Getty images

United States – MIT in Boston has developed the latest research that may in the future be the key to the hair growth restoration for the people suffering from the autoimmune disease alopecia areata that is known to affect millions of Americans, as reported by HealthDay.

Present-day Treatments for Alopecia Areata Are Tough to Handle

The conventional treatment methods for alopecia areata, for instance, the use of immunosuppressant steroids, are posing problems, such as systemic side effects and the higher risk of infections and other health problems.

Fed by the researchers at MIT, a radical microneedle patch has appeared as a groundbreaking intervention, thus, it delivers the targeted drug therapy directly to the scalp. This unique method is designed to reset the immune system’s abnormal reaction which will in turn, produce the regeneration of the hair follicles.

Promising Results in Mouse Studies

Preliminary investigations conducted on murine models have yielded promising outcomes, showcasing noteworthy hair regrowth and a discernible reduction in inflammation at the site of patch application. Importantly, these positive developments were achieved without encountering the systemic side effects typically associated with conventional treatments, as reported by HealthDay.

Potential for Human Application and Beyond

Although the research is still at the beginning stage, with further clinical trials to be done to prove the efficacy in human subjects, the great microneedle patch technology has a lot of potential to improve the treatment of alopecia areata and the related autoimmune skin disorders. Plans are being made to continue the development and commercialization of this new therapy that will bring a revolutionary change to the world.