Herring fisherman challenging Federal rule, the Supreme Court would consider the validity of Chevron's deference doctrine. ...

Americans woke up to snow, freezing rain, and bitter cold on Tuesday morning as a wave of arctic air engulfed most parts of the US. ...

US Navy ships and aircraft searched the Gulf of Aden for two missing Navy SEALs as facts about their operation to board. ...

An Ohio woman who miscarried and left the nonviable fetus at home will not face criminal charges. ...

CDC issues health advisory as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (tick-borne fever) strikes Baja California, Mexico: 3 out of 5 patients die, urgent early detection and treatment emphasized. ...

Biden mocked his Republican rival and claimed that he would be a dictator only on his first day in office if he became president again. ...

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen imposes sanctions on individuals and firms linked to Mexican drug cartels amidst anti-fentanyl efforts. ...

North Korea alleges double standards as the US faces criticism for South Korea's spy satellite launch from US territory. ...