A transformative spinal implant system provides hopeful progress in recovery of mobility together with muscle function for SMA patients.
Research findings provide fresh understanding regarding the way early fetal gene patterns form future cancer risks which will affect both ongoing research and forthcoming medical treatments.
Journavx presents itself as a hopeful non-addictive pain relief choice but users still need to address issues regarding its affordability and effectiveness.
Marijuana Use: Impairing short-term working memory by suppressing specific brain areas during heavy use.
Chronic low back pain can be effectively managed using qigong, a safe, holistic and effective approach both in terms of physical health and mental health.
Formaldehyde-based hair products face growing advocacy alongside legal activism for better health protections due to ongoing regulatory delays.
The results of this study just reinforce the fact that mental health support for pregnant women with MS has to improve so that they and their children will better.
Eating more fiber from whole grain, fruits, and vegetables may prove to be beneficial to the gut and decrease the probabilities of harboring lurking dangerous microbes.
Tourette syndrome diagnosis and screening in girls must be done earlier to yield better results in regard to control of this disorder.
The FDA’s decision to outlaw Red No. 3 serves the public good by eradicating a poisonous food colourant, which the study established causes cancer.